Living on Tomato Sandwiches

It’s August.

Tomato season.

And that means that the windowsills and the kitchen counters are filled with tomatoes in various stages of red (or yellow) ripe deliciousness.

It also means that for the next two or three weeks I’m living on tomato sandwiches. Tomato season isn’t long enough for me to get tired of them.

Homemade sourdough bread. Made twice a week despite the heat because you can’t run out when the tomatoes are ripe. Here is the best no-fail recipe: (I’ve been making this bread for 6 months and we’ve never tired of it and it’s never failed.)

Homemade mayonnaise. Here is the never fail recipe that I use: Once you taste it you will never go back to store bought. It takes 20 minutes once a month out of your busy schedule. It can be made on a rainy day or a sunny day. Yes, your arms will tire but it’s totally worth it. I generally use my blender, but I’ve also used the whisk attachment on my mixer. And truth? I slather the mayonnaise on both slices of bread

Tomatoes. Big and still warm from the sun, if possible. Sliced thick. My favorite this year is Yellow Brandywine, but the one in the picture above is a Pink Russian. And honestly? I’ve never met a tomato I didn’t love.

Salt and Pepper. The salt is key and I prefer freshly ground Himalayan pink salt please. If you like pepper, here’s a tip: Roast your peppercorns in a small dry skillet for a few minutes before grinding them. A recipe I made last month called for this step, and admittedly, I was skeptical. But. Oh. My. It’s a treat on this sandwich.

And the best way to eat this gourmet August delicacy? Standing over the sink so the juice can run down your arm. No bacon necessary.

12 thoughts on “Living on Tomato Sandwiches

  1. No bacon needed–but I’d throw fresh basil and a touch of garlic into that mayo. I’m dripping with jealousy; our tomatoes are not yet ripe. We have three kinds this year, an heirloom brandywine (for salads and sandwiches), a new Cherokee cherry tomato, and our traditional Amish canning tomatoes. All are green. I’m beginning to suspect that the smoke aloft is slowing the ripening process.


    • Well I’m late replying and I hope yours are ripe now. Our second wave has some sort of terrible blight. They looked huge and beautiful when they were green but as soon as they start getting ripe they get brown spots and just rot. It’s a terrible thing. From the internet ive surmised that it’s anthracnose? I’ve never in 30 years of growing tomatoes had this happen. I rotate them. Stake them. Water from the ground. Ugh.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I looked it up. Never heard of it before, but our local extension office is saying it’s common this year because of the humidity. Any little injury to the tomato skin makes it susceptible. Now I’m going to be watching those green tomatoes with a jaded eye.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Your bread looks and sounds delicious. I love tomato sandwiches but have never had any on sourdough bread. I really love tomatoes period, I eat them with most everything I eat during the season.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hm — now I know what to add to my lunch tomorrow! Thanks. I sometimes forget as i can so many and smoke a lot for dishes in the winter that I just plum forget to enjoy some. I am like that with raspberries as well. As an aside — definitely going to try that peppercorn trick and the fresh basil,

    Liked by 1 person

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