It’s Time

It’s time to put the garden to bed. A final weed and clean, with blankets of straw and leaves. Plant the garlic, and mulch the greens with the hopes of finding some after a freeze.

It’s time to breathe out snark and breathe in kind. Call up that friend who’s been left behind because of Covid, or politics, or time. Does it matter who is or was at fault? Only to our pride. Here’s my new read: I’m trying one more time…

It’s time to Reconsider Twitter —Scrap Facebook—Can Instagram—they’re all just scams to steal your time, stoke your worst side, incite your anxiety. Instead, read a book, write a letter, watch a movie, walk outside, take soup to a friend, start baking bread, breathe deeply, pray more…

It’s time to be thankful. November is a hard month to be the poster child for thankfulness, but there are entire books written about the benefits of gratitude on our bodies, our minds, our attitudes. So today, November 12, 2022 I am thankful for:

  • a relatively peaceful election;
  • a new governor who is pro-democracy;
  • the end of political ads;
  • the last few days of sun that brought out the bees;
  • meat, bread, and vegetables in the freezer;
  • a snuggly cat on my lap;
  • a fiery red sunset;
  • fried rice and crab cakes for dinner;
  • friends with calm, quiet voices;
  • clean sheets and a down comforter;
  • pumpkin desserts and sourdough bread;
  • a yard mostly free of leaves; and
  • a rainy day so I can write this post guilt-free.

It’s way past time to be grateful.

It’s time to write your gratitude story today…

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:6-7


gratitude for the old cottage
that tests our skills and patience,
but shouts of family
to us both

gratitude for the beauty of quiet hills
that nestle us in,
a quilt of ever-changing