It’s Time

It’s time to put the garden to bed. A final weed and clean, with blankets of straw and leaves. Plant the garlic, and mulch the greens with the hopes of finding some after a freeze.

It’s time to breathe out snark and breathe in kind. Call up that friend who’s been left behind because of Covid, or politics, or time. Does it matter who is or was at fault? Only to our pride. Here’s my new read: I’m trying one more time…

It’s time to Reconsider Twitter —Scrap Facebook—Can Instagram—they’re all just scams to steal your time, stoke your worst side, incite your anxiety. Instead, read a book, write a letter, watch a movie, walk outside, take soup to a friend, start baking bread, breathe deeply, pray more…

It’s time to be thankful. November is a hard month to be the poster child for thankfulness, but there are entire books written about the benefits of gratitude on our bodies, our minds, our attitudes. So today, November 12, 2022 I am thankful for:

  • a relatively peaceful election;
  • a new governor who is pro-democracy;
  • the end of political ads;
  • the last few days of sun that brought out the bees;
  • meat, bread, and vegetables in the freezer;
  • a snuggly cat on my lap;
  • a fiery red sunset;
  • fried rice and crab cakes for dinner;
  • friends with calm, quiet voices;
  • clean sheets and a down comforter;
  • pumpkin desserts and sourdough bread;
  • a yard mostly free of leaves; and
  • a rainy day so I can write this post guilt-free.

It’s way past time to be grateful.

It’s time to write your gratitude story today…

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:6-7

Tikkun Olam: where would i begin?

Just this morning my Bible reading brought me to chapter one of 1 Peter, where two verses jumped out at me: Be holy because He is holy (1:16) and …love one another deeply, from the heart. (1:22) They loomed large because they feel so impossible for me these days. I confess to having difficulty in loving my neighbor–and I use the word neighbor loosely. Kind of like asking Jesus, Who is my neighbor? and getting the reply that you know, but you don’t want to hear… What! Those people who call themselves Christians, yet still voted for Trump? They are my neighbors? Yes. That’s really how I feel… (And that is, realistically, almost half this country???)

My ruminations led me to remember the book  Adopted by Kelley Nikondeha;  so I pulled it from my bookshelf and started paging through it again, a couple of years later, in this time of Covid-19 and anger and racial division and conspiracy theories and chaos.

It didn’t take long to find the chapter I remembered, “Repair.” She writes about a Jewish term, tikkun olam, which means “repair of the world.”  Tikkun olam calls us to do what we can to sacrificially act for the good of our neighbors, even if those neighbors might be our enemies. Even if those neighbors are belligerent about mask wearing; even if those neighbors have a nasty-language-sign in their yard; even if they somehow think the person in the White House is good for the country. How can I love them when I think what they believe is abhorrent? (For a Jewish discussion on the concept, you might enjoy this article from My Jewish Learning.)

Nikondeha then relates several stories of the Batwa tribe in Rwanda who, when faced with having their harvest of carrots stolen from their neighbors, gave them potatoes too. When they were falsely accused of stealing cabbages, they gave twice as many cabbages back. Can you hear in these stories of one of the most difficult messages from Jesus:

…But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. — Matthew 5:39-40

Perhaps we ignore this instruction because it is just too difficult to wrap our heads and hearts around? There are many difficult “red-letter” passages in the New Testament, but none so absolutely unachievable as this one. Don’t fight back, instead say yes, here, hit me again. Someone is suing you for $5,000? Give them $10,000. Your neighbor’s car just died? Give them your second car that you just finished paying off. Forgive the person who treated you so grievously a few years ago that you haven’t spoken to each other since. Wait; don’t just forgive them, invite them to a luxurious feast at your house…

It’s radical, this concept of tikkun olam. But just think of what needs repairing in this world. More accurately, in our own small worlds–our families and our communities.

I suggest that another reason we ignore the reparations that we need to make is because they are SO HUGE as to be daunting. This is not only Love your Neighbor (which is hard enough!) but this is Love your Enemy. How can we do this? Where could we start? The poet philosopher Lao Tzu wrote, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

Yes, this is the road right outside my door…

Jesus’ version of this thought is recorded in the gospels of Luke and Matthew–the parable of the mustard seed: “For truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20) ESV

Although probably no one actually stole your carrot or cabbage crops, it is likely that someone stole your political yard sign. Or it is likely that your neighbor (or family member) voted for the other side. I suggest that to repair America, we need to take that first step toward tikkun olam. And the road begins right outside our door…

thirty biblical reasons to vote democratic in 2020: #5 Forgiveness

“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” — Colossians 3:13 (NLT)

Ah, sweet forgiveness…

Hundreds (thousands?) of books have been written on forgiving, so how can I write just one small blog post about it? I can’t and I won’t even try. But I will show you the photograph that graced the bulletin board over my desk for three years.

Imagine the anger and the hatred that would disappear from this president if he would only forgive those he holds a grudge against. In my kinder moments, I feel sorry for him–indeed, for anyone who can’t forgive. It is a radical act, against all our selfish instincts for survival, yet it sets us so free. No longer a prisoner of our bitterness and resentment, forgiving allows us to love again.

And here’s a freebie verse: “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven…” — Luke 6:37 (ESV)

And that is a segue into tomorrow’s final verse of this series–Colossians 3:14.